Quotes About God’s Love
Nothing is purer than the love of God. His love is forgiving and unconditional. He’s there for you like no one else. You just need to have faith in His presence.
You can love someone all you want and feel the love of others in your life too. But none of it can be equal to the love of God for all of us. He is there, always, letting us know that he still loves us.
God’s love has no barricades. It takes no exceptions, it makes no mistakes. It just loved us all, beyond our looks, our capabilities, our background, and our faith.
There is no person on Earth who can love all with the same unbiased nature as God. God has always loved us equally and it is the most beautiful thing in the universe.
The greatest proof of God’s love is that He created you in his image. His love is undeniably there every time you look in the mirror. How can you not be grateful for His love?
Yes, God is mighty. Yes, he is powerful. Yes, his glory is loud and clear. But, none of this is as great as his love for us. He loves us beyond power, beyond might, and beyond glory.
Everywhere you look, you’ll see God’s love. It’s in the sunshine just as much in the rain. It’s in the water you drink and in the food you eat. He has blessed us with all the love.
God’s love is strong. He preaches to us to hate the sin and forgive the sinner. He teaches us to be forgiving and accepting towards all. And this is something no man can teach you.
God has given us a purpose, a faith to stand for, a motive to live for, and the strength to fight through obstacles. His love has everything we need to live a life of glory, a life that serves the greater good.
Nothing can break the love of God for you. It’s strong and unbreakable. He knows you, He understands you and He is there for you whether you acknowledge it or not. He loves you.
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Exclusive Quotes About God’s Love
You can look anywhere and everywhere, but you will never find love that is purer and encompassing of everything that God’s love.
You can tell me how someone loves you so much that they would go to the end of Earth and back, but this all pales in comparison to God’s love for all of us.
God’s love does not look at your skin color, your faith, your past or anything else – God’s love is all encompassing and He will always love you for who you are.
You’ll never find another person who will love you as God does. He treats everyone equally and loves them just the same, even if they do not believe in Him.
God’s love is proved in how you are created in His image. He loves you, and He has sacrificed His own life for yours. How can we deny His love for us?
God is wonderful in all senses – Yes, He is powerful, He has glory, but most of all He has love for each and every one of us with no prejudice or judgment.
God made us in His likeness. We are made to be like Him, and thus we should reflect God’s love for us in all the other beings that He made for us.
Look around you and you’ll find God’s love for you. It’s everywhere, and God loves you even more than you love your own child or your family. Most of all, God’s love will never fade.
God has always told us to hate the sin but love the sinner. Such is the love that God has for us – He forgives all that we have done, and this forgiveness is something that no one else can give us.
Say all you want about God – believe in Him, doubt Him or deny His presence, but God’s love is everywhere. It is in His creations, and you are one of the many that He created and loves.
Nothing dead of alive can come between the love that God has for us. He gives us purpose, someone to believe in and someone to gain strength from. God is kind and benevolent.
I can understand many things, but I can never understand how anyone can deny His love for us. When you deny that fact, you are denying yourself, for you are one of His wonderful creations.
Know that God’s love for you is strong and the bond unbreakable. God loves you just the way you are and He knows everything about you, whether you have told Him or not.
When you understand that God loves you, you will have nothing more to fear. You will know that God wants the best for you, and everything happens for a reason that He has yet to disclose.
God has infinite wisdom, care and love for all of us. God knows us, good and bad, and He loves us still. How can we not love God back when He loves us so very much?
Quotes About God And Love
If there is one thing that I’ve learned, it’s that I should never doubt God’s love for me, for I would never be who I am today without his Love for me.
Find strength and patience in God’s love for yourself, and you will never have to worry a single day of your life. Know that God is good and that He will always have a plan for you.
You have a purpose, as do I. Our purpose lies in finding God’s love, appreciating It and finding faith in His powers and kindness even when it is hard to do so. Know that God will always want the best for us all.
God may always give us unconditional love, but that does not mean that His love is for us to abuse. Unconditional love does not mean unconditional approval. Do good by His principles.
God loves us for who we are, and all He asks is that we are just as loving and kind to everyone around us without pride or prejudice. Love your neighbors, and you’ll find more love for yourself.
In moments of doubt, remember that God loves you as He does for His own son. You belong where you are, and you are supposed to be loved as He loves you.
God’s love is wonderful. He is powerful, and He can do as He pleases, but He loves you and He wants the best for you. And so, He has a plan for you.
Pray for His love and guidance when you are lost. Have faith and pray to Him, for He is listening to you and knows all your troubles and conflicts. Know that He loves you and He is bigger than all your problems.
God loves everyone, and He loves with a fierce passion that you can never find anywhere else. Have faith in Him and you’ll find the path for yourself.
You will never find God’s love stronger than when you are struggling in your life. God will offer you His guidance, and He will give you the strength that you do not possess at a difficult moment.
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Best God Loves You Quotes
God loves you. God loves you fiercely, with passion and without any judgments for who you were in your past. When you do right by God, you will reap your rewards.
God’s love for you is eternal. Whether you believe it or not, He loved you even before anyone else was aware of your existence. Such is the capacity of God’s love for you and everyone else around you.
In your times of weakness, remember that God loves you. He is powerful, and He has the strength to bring you out of your troubles. Remember that God tests your faith in Him, and everything will be alright if you have faith.
Have faith in the God who loves you just as He does His own son. He will always be there for you, and all you have to do is to reach out to Him.
God’s love is powerful. He can reach you even when you have hit rock bottom, hidden in the darkness of your own creation. Show Him that you are open to His love, and He will show Himself to you.
God’s Love Quotes
Friendships may end and family members may pass, but God’s love will never end and He will always be there for you.
God loves everyone. He loves the ones that the others reject, and He loves the people who reject even Him. Such is the level of God’s love for us all.
God is almighty, not for His powers or strengths, but for His love for us, so everlasting and unconditional. God’s love is almighty.
Be kind and do unto others as you want them to do unto you. This is one of the most important lessons when it comes to God’s love for all of us.
God has infinite wisdom, and yet He still has it in Him to give unconditional love to everyone around Him. God is all-powerful and amazing.
God’s love for all of us, regardless of our past sins and the things we did, shows just how much He loves us. There is no one else who will ever love us as He does.
The beauty of God’s love is that everyone gets it. Good or bad, rich or poor, everyone gets to have a little of God’s love everyday.
God knows you for who you are, and He loves you through it all. There is no limit or prerequisites to His love!
When you have faith in God and everything He has to offer, you will no longer be afraid. You’ll know that He will guide you through it all, and you will never feel lost with Him in your heart.
During the most difficult struggles of your life, you’ll find peace in God’s strength, powers and everything that He can do to make you feel His love through it all.