Retirement Quotes
Here’s one thing about retirement – it’s the golden age era when we finally get to enjoy ourselves with all that money we saved up over our career term. However, it’s also the age where we are too old, too frail and old for the activities that we dreamed of when we were younger. While we have more time to ourselves, we also have less time on earth by the time we retire. Well, that took quite a gloomy turn. Let us instead focus on the joys that this golden age can bring you. Here, we have compiled a list of retirement quotes and messages that you can send to your retiring father, an old, seasoned boss or anyone else that comes to mind.
Short Retirement Quotes & Messages
Is the person concerned not too fond of long, mushy messages? Here are some Short Retirement Quote that can still touch hearts with few words and nothing much else. Here, you will find short messages which are relevant even for the grumpy elderlies. Remember to personalize the retirement quote to give it your personal touch!
1. Now you’ve been retired, what if you started a new career? Like which are the best spots in the city?
2.Hey buddie, do you need any help to spend your free time now?
3. They say that if you are retired after your wife, you get a new job.
4. When you get retired of life, you become the nanny of your grandchildren.
5. We keep a photo of you in the office just remember that you now are in your garden, drinking your coffee and we are doing your job man!
6. What a great silence in the office, since we don’t hear your.. really not funny jokes!
7. You had been waiting this moment for half a life and now you complain about your spare time! Oh man!
8. Boss, if you need more employees just make a call!
9. Your retirement made us to wish we were 20 years older! Ha, ha, congrats!
10. Please buddy, visit the office just for the morning coffee. We will miss your treats haha!
11. Retirement is the opportunity to rest they say. I believe it’s the opportunity to live!
12. Stop sending us cards of your holidays. Some of us are younger and still at work!
13. Now that you have plenty of time, let me send you a few projects, my family for vacation on your home and my best wishes for your retirement!
14. By your retirement you have free time to do the cooking, the gardening, the ironing. Ok, I’ll wash the dishes, ha ha!
15. I’ve heard there are retirement packages for the oldies, to visit all the places they didn’t the hard years of work. Love, your daughter.
Funny Retirement Quotes for Cards
16. Since you’ ll have new habits now, don’t forget your old hard working friends!
17. Your new pet is a cat? This is not retirement plan, this is something like bad fate, man!
18. Since you’ve been retired, bicycle will always be a good idea! Don’t forget about the traffic!
19. I’ve heard about a competition. Who is the mast with the most free time in the city? If you don’t have worries, you get more points buddy!
20. Just tell us how you feel now, to give us courage to do our jobs right.
21. You can spent your free time by singing. Just be careful not to become the new star. It is a job too.
22. Hey man, I’ve heard that some birds wait to be feed in the park.
23. I hope I made the right choice. Some video games worth your time grandpa. Hopefully I’ll have a mate now. Exercise please!
24. We decided spend the week away, to give you more quality time with the babies. Good luck!
25. Lessons of painting? Really? Too much free time, I suppose!
Inspirational Retirement Quotes
26. Retirement means the freedom to chase your hopes and dream. It’s a chance to see the world and take in things you never thought you’d see.
27. Time flies by. You’ve worked all these years and accomplished so much. So many achievements and some setbacks, but you always go right back up.
28. Retirement is the time to say goodbye to old routines, and hello to a new world. You get to meet new people, but still have the same ones by your side. You get to have new experiences, but can still look back on your old ones.
29. No more restrictions, no matter career holding you back. Now is the time to make memories and make dream you ever head come true. There’s no excuses now. What are you waiting for? There’s been a more perfect time than day.
30. Grab that list you wrote all those years ago. It’s time to start crossing things off. You worked hard all these years, now its time to take care of yourself. Do everything on the list. Live your life. Be happy.
31. Retirement is the perfect chance for new experiences and memories to come your way. Just because you have a long list of life experiences doesn’t mean you can’t more to your list. This is a time to remember that you’re always learning. Go out and discover anything and everything.
32. Life is amazing. You’re born, go to school, and then spend decade after decade working, building towards some sort of dream. That dream almost seems like its unreachable sometimes, but eventually, we get there. We get there and it’s bliss.
33. Hard workers always get their gold at the end. Hard workers always get their dreams. Hard workers know they deserve it.
34. Retirement almost seems impossible sometimes. So far away, so hard to achieve, but when the day comes, there is no feeling like it. Knowing that you worked hard to be able to spend the rest of your days laughing and smiling and is a good feeling.
35. Retirement feels like an ending for some, but it truly is a beginning. It is the beginning of a whole new life, a life some never thought possible. It’s the beginning of a brand new world of possibly and endless sunny days.
36. Take the leap. Take it. Don’t be scared to go on that holiday or move away. This is what you’ve been waiting for. You’ve been waiting all these years to retire, so treat yourself kindly.
37. With retirement comes wisdom. It comes years and years of learning, trying new things, making mistakes, and getting back up again. With retirement comes knowledge. It is a position filled with acknowledgement of the past, and excitement for the future.
38. Remember not to retire simply for the sake of it. Remember to create a whole new world to look forward to. Whether it be people or things, be sure to have a positive environment around you.
39. Is it retirement, or is it a brand new life? No matter responsibilities, no more early mornings. Just peace and quiet and love.
40. Time goes by so quick but retirement means you get to make up for it. It’s the chance to do all those things you missed out on before. You have endless hours to make your dreams come true.
41. Don’t be scared to retire. Don’t feel worried and unsure. You’re going to be living a whole new experience, but it is one you worked your whole life for. Don’t fear retirement. Look forward to it.
42. It’s hard to say goodbye to a career you’ve had your whole life, but it’s such a happy feeling saying hello to retirement. New experiences and endless happy days. Retirement is a blessing.
43. Retirement isn’t easy to achieve. It takes hard work and dedication. It takes long hours and many years. But that just means you’ve climbed the biggest, hardest mountain, and now its time to enjoy the view.
44. Retirement can often feel like a risk. A big one. But that’s life, and you need to take that risk. Take that big jump to retirement and enjoy all the fun times that come with you.
45. Retirement can often feel like a strange change, but it is a comforting one. It welcomes you with open, warm arms. Retirement wants you to be happy, to relax, to sit back and enjoy the show.
Inspirational Retirement Quotes for Coworkers
46. It’s been a joy working with you. I’ve loved having you by my side, but I know it’s time to say goodbye. Good luck, best wishes, and happy retirement.
47. What pleasure we’ve had over these years. Laughs and hard work, tears and good times. It’s been a blast to call you my co-worker.
48. How many years have we spent together? You’ve quickly become one of my best friends, and a person I know I can trust. I’ll miss you, but all the best to you.
49. Good luck in your retirement. I hope everything you hope comes your way. Take care of yourself, you worked very hard for this.
50. Only yesterday it seems like you first walked into this place. How times flies, and now you get to spend the rest of your days relaxing and being merry. Best wishes.
51. Congratulations on your retirement. I’ve loved working with you by my side. I can’t think of anyone else who I would in my corner more than you. Good luck and goodbye.
52. You’ve always told me about the amazing things you wanted to do once you retried, and now you can do them! How exciting. Enjoy those fun times. You deserve it.
retirement quotes for coworkers
53. To a co-worker who worked hard every single day, congratulations. You really do deserve a nice long break. Happy retirement.
54. I know you loved your job, it was obvious, but now you get to spend time accomplishing all your hopes and dreams. Retirement is such an exciting time. Congrats!
55. I’ll miss you around the office, but I’m happy knowing you’ll be at home, resting, laughing, and enjoying your deserved retirement. Congrats!
Funny Retirement Wishes for Friends
56. To my good friend, congrats. This is something you worked so very hard for, and now it’s time to sit back and enjoy your retirement. You deserve it!
57. All these years you worked so hard, and now the time has come for you to stay goodbye to work, and hello to sleep ins every day! Happy retirement.
58. You’ve worked very hard to make this dream come true. Rest up, eat well, and create happy memories with your retirement, friend!
59. My dear friend, you earned this reward. You worked so hard all your life, and now you can finally retire. Congrats!
60. You always did your best over the years, working hard and doing everything you could to make things work. Now can you can say goodbye to all of that. Happy retirement!
61. Your future is looking very bright. Retirement is going to bring you so many amazing things! Congrats! You deserve it!
62. Who better than my dear friend to enjoy their long awaited retirement? Once a hard worker, always a hard worker, but now you get to relax. Happy retirement!
63. As your friend, I saw so many of your accomplishment. They will never be forgotten and prove what a good worker you are. Happy retirement!
funny retirement quotes for friends
64. I can’t wait to hear all about your exciting adventures now that you’re retiring, and I we get to go on some together! Congrats, relax, and enjoy!
65. Your whole life has been leading up to this day! Celebrate, be happy, and laugh! You’re going to be doing a lot of that in your retirement anyway!
Retirement Quotes for Boss
66. It was an honor to call you my boss. Everyday you came in and worked hard and showed us what it meant to work for this company. I can’t thank you enough. Enjoy your retirement.
67. This company is going to miss our amazing boss so much, but we knew you couldn’t hang around forever, as much as we want you to. Thank you for your wisdom and kindness. Happy retirement.
68. You taught me so much and I’ll never forget it. I learned so much from you and you made me the person I am today. Thank you for being a great mentor, and please enjoy your retirement.
69. I can’t thank you enough for giving me a chance to work with you. You gave me the greatest opportunity of my life. It’s sad to see you go, but you deserve to enjoy your retirement. Congratulations.
70. You might have been my boss, but you never made me feel little. You always treated me like an equal, the way a boss should. Thank you for that. Enjoy your retirement.
71.You have passed down a lot of knowledge over the years. There’s so many things I never would have known if you were not my boss. I’ll remember everything you taught me. Happy retirement.
72. It’s sad to see you leave this place. You held us together and made the team what it is, but now it’s time for you to relax and enjoy your retirement. Congratulations.
73.It’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally time to say goodbye to an amazing boss. Thank you for everything you’ve done for us over the years. We’ll miss you. Enjoy your well-deserved retirement.
74. Work always came first for you, but now it’s time to put yourself first. Enjoy your retirement. Have long sleeps, good meals, and nice holidays. You really do deserve it, boss.
75. A big thank you for everything you did for this company. A big thank you for everything you taught us. And a big I’ll miss you on your last day. Happy retirement.
Retirement Congratulations And Wishes
76. You have retired, what a blessing it must be! Get ready to enjoy life to the fullest and be proud of what you’ve achieved!
77. You are our favorite colleague and it’s really a bittersweet moment having you retire! We wish you a lifetime of success in everything you do!
78. Congratulations on finally retiring! Life is beautiful, so make the most of it and never look back!
79. Retiring means more hours of sleep hanging out in your pajamas whenever you want! You were a great addition to our company and we wish you nothing but the best!
80. Welcome to the rest of your life! Enjoy your work-free and stress-free days from now onwards, and know that you did well and you deserve it!
81. You are the epitome of hard work and determination! You are one of the best employees we’ve ever had! Sending you off to your retirement with nothing but wishes for success and good health!
92. You are now retired and entering a new chapter of your life! Knowing you, I am certain you’ll make the most of it! Congratulations on a new milestone, I wish you all the best!
83. When you love what you do, retiring might be stressful. But, knowing you, I am sure our paths will cross again! It was an honor to work with you and may you have the best life from here onwards!
84. So, you retired? Lucky you! May the rest of your life be filled with exciting adventures, peace,and good health! We wish you all the best!
85. For he’s a jolly good fellow, and nobody can deny! Congratulations on your retirement, your work ethic will be hard to replace! Much love to you and your family!
86. I am so happy to learn you are retiring, and yet I am so sad that I won’t get to work with you for one more day! You were a leader in the field and I know you’ll live your best life from today forward!
87. The work is done, and now it’s time to have fun! Congratulations on retiring and good luck in all your future ventures!
88. You were a colleague like no other, a worker we were proud to have, and a kind soul who was always there to offer help. You will be missed, have a happy retirement!
89. Get ready to live your best life so far, in a stress-free and problem-free environment. Congratulations on this new phase, I wish you good health and good energy along the way!
90. When one retires, another one gets promoted! Congratulations on retiring, I hope you put in a few good words for me!
91. You are now retired, which means you can have your morning coffee the way you like it for the rest of your days! May this life continue to bless you with good health and positive vibes!
92. You may be retiring, but your youthful spirit will remain to be a great example of how to love what you do! You will be missed, congratulations on finally being free!
93. Congratulations on your retirement news! You can now choose to do what you really love, and I know you’ll succeed in everything you do!
94. We had good times, and some bad ones. We laughed, we worked and we celebrated success together! You have done this job a justice, and I wish you a peaceful retirement and plenty of happy memories along the way!
95. Your family must be happy you’re not putting in extra hours of work anymore! Best wishes on your retirement, I hope life gives you everything you dreamt of!
96. It was an honor to meet you, work by your side, and learn from you! I wish your retirement days are the best ones yet! I’ll miss you!
97. Hey partner! You may be retiring, but you have become more than a colleague to me! You are now family and I wish you nothing but good health and plenty of adventures ahead!
98. You are now retired,
And you must have been tired.
Let’s toast to your fabulous career,
I wish you all the best, my dear!
99. I will always cherish your advice and I’ll always look up to you in so many ways! Congratulations on your retirement, I wish you all the best!
100. You may be retired now, but I have the feeling you will never settle for a workless day! Congratulations, may your retirement journey be pleasant and smooth!
101. Thank you for setting up an example of hard work, commitment,and dedication! You are one of a kind, congratulations on retiring!
102. Congratulations on your retirement! I cannot wait to see what life has in store for you! You were the best colleague anyone could ask for!
103. Time goes by fast, and now you are retired. Enjoy your life of freedom and new adventures and Never stop being awesome!
104. From today onwards, you’ll never have to hate another Monday again! Good luck with your retirement, it was well-deserved!
105. Retiring means drinking your coffee in peace, and actually enjoying it! You are now officially a free woman! Congratulations!
Happy Retirement Sayings And Wishes
106. You will remain to be my favorite colleague ever! Congratulations on your retirement, now you have the time to build that time machine!
107. No better feeling than waking up late and realizing you don’t have to work anymore! Good luck with your retirement, you deserve the best!
108. To the sharpest, wittiest and most supportive colleague ever: Happy retirement, you can now make up for all the bad office coffee!
109. The time to enjoy yourself has finally come! Congratulations on retiring, I’ll keep you updated on the latest office gossip!
110. For a man who’s retiring, you have certainly aged well! Best wishes to you and your life of freedom, you deserve it!
111. Once upon a time, you only had the weekends off. Now, you can permanently switch the off button and enjoy every day that comes. Happy retiring!
112. Oh, retiring! While your partying days may be over, you will at least have someone give up a bus seat for you! Well, life happens! Congratulations man, you did good!
113. To the woman who was an office mother to us all: Happy retiring, and may you never have to use Math again!
114. What a wonderful thing is to retire and dedicate your time to something that you actually love! Best wishes to you and your family on this next adventure!
115. Finally, you can get a dog and not feel guilty about leaving it alone! Happy retirement, make this chapter the best one yet!
116. It is time to put the past behind you, and open your heart towards new challenges! Life is beautiful, enjoy your retirement!
117. You have worked long and hard and now it’s time to spend some money! Happy retiring, there was a light at the end of the tunnel, after all (lol)!
118. Your biggest accomplishments are yet to come, and I know you’ll make the most of your retirement freedom! Best wishes!
119. Your work ethic and dedication will always be the definition of success! Thank you for being part of our team! Happy retirement!
120. I know you are retiring, but I have the feeling this is not the last we’ve heard of your success! Be happy, enjoy life, achieve greatness!
Retirement is great, and while some workaholics might want to work more to keep their company going, it’s crucial that we send them off to a nice retirement party when our beloved ones have reached their retirement age. Let’s remind them today that their retirement should be celebrated with joy and lots of good relaxing times to look forward to!