Well Wishes For Surgery
My brave little baby, you have handled your sickness and pain like a boss. I hope the surgery is completed with flying colors. See you on the other side.
You are one of the most positive people in the world, which is why I know your surgery is going to be a major success. I’ll see you after your surgery is over. Best wishes.
I know you are probably feeling a little scared and a little skeptical at the moment, but we assure you that you are in great hands. I’m sure your surgery will be a success. All the best.
Even as you go under the knife, we hope and pray that you know in your heart that you are going to be okay and that we are going to be right outside the theater waiting to hear the good news. We love you.
You have endured so much pain and sorrow, it is now time for you to let that pain go and welcome a brand new life. I’ll be there when you wake up in the recovery room. I love you.
Thank You For Your Hospitality Messages
Good Luck With Surgery
Things may seem a bit bleak at the moment, but I can’t wait for you to be better and up and about. Let’s plan a big boy’s night out after you recover from your surgery—more power to you.
It is alright to feel a little scared but please know that every single doctor and nurse is going to put their heart and soul into making you better. All the best for your surgery.
This is a challenging period of your life, but I just know in my heart that you will overcome your illness and go about your healthy life as soon as possible. May your surgery be a huge success.
During this difficult time, I want you to know that I am only a phone call away, and whatever you need me for, I will be there with you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Going under the knife is a scary concept, but I hope you regain your full potential as soon as it’s over. I will be waiting to take you home after your surgery is over. I am sending you positive thoughts and prayers.
Thank You Quotes And Messages For Friends
Words For Someone Having Surgery
It was painful for us to hear that you were feeling sick and needed surgery to get better. But we hope that the surgery cures you entirely and you can enjoy this beautiful life we have as soon as possible.
This has been a very tough time for your friends and family, and I hope and pray that this situation is behind you. I am sending you warm blessings for a successful surgery and a complete recovery.
Ever since I learned that you were admitted to the hospital, I haven’t stopped praying. I’m going to pray a little harder today to wish that you undergo a successful operation.
I’m sorry I didn’t realize how sick you were until you had to be taken to the hospital. I wish I could be there for you, but I am sending you my prayers and hope you have a successful surgery.
Hope that you find the strength to go under the knife today and come out with flying colors. I cannot wait to hear the news that your operation was a success. All the best to you, my friend.
What to Say to Someone Having Surgery
I am sending you loads of good wishes to help you get through your surgery today. I pray that the operation is a massive success, and you spend the rest of your days in good health.
We cannot wait to visit you in the recovery room after your surgery with balloons, cakes, and confetti. You are a brave man, and we hope the surgery goes well. All the best.
It is a scary time right now, my friend, but please know that you have been in my thoughts and prayers ever since I learned about your hospitalization. I hope to see you bounce back from your surgery very soon.
You have suffered through this illness for way too long. It is time for the doctors to bring your pain to an end with this surgery. All the best. I hope your surgery is a massive success.
I wish you the best of luck with your surgery. Also, hope everything goes well in there for you, and I pray that God sees to it that your surgery goes well.
Get Well Wishes For Surgery
On days like these, it is essential to be stronger than you were yesterday, and I am right there with you holding your hand and praying for everything to go right on your surgery. I love you.
A wonderful person like you shouldn’t have to suffer through his illness like this, but I am glad to know that all of that will be over when your surgery is a massive success today. I wish you nothing but the best.
I pray that God’s hands shower you with the best of health and helps you recover speedily after your surgery is over. Be strong, and always have faith.
I am sorry that I cannot do more for you than pray for your good health, but I am hoping that God will listen to it and answer my prayers. All the best for your surgery today. We are rooting for you.
On hard times like these, please remember that my best wishes and support will always be there with you. I cannot wait to hold your hand and take you home. I wish you a successful surgery.